There's a song that we always do at ECFE called the name chant. There's clapping and hand rolling and lots of excited faces when you hear your name being said. I really like that song and now that I've got the hang of it at class I like to do it at home or really wherever I may be. Mommy laughed at me last week at the mall play place when I walked over to the carpet square (under the hand sanitizer) sat down and started tapping my legs to do the song. Everyone knows the song now and I become unhappy very quickly if you don't follow my wishes and start the chant immediately. Here are some pictures of me over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Here are some of us doing the name chant. It's also a good opportunity to check out the finished basement. I'll have mommy post some before and after's later. In this picture the curtains have not been hung up yet. Mommy is also searching for new furniture as she's had the black stuff since she graduated from college and she really doesn't like the big red chair that she got for Daddy (nicknamed the "Lazy Kevin.")
Here I am getting into trouble on the couch while Papa, Daddy, Tiffers and Ryan watched the football game.
Here I am in my fancy schmancy new playroom (which is also minus curtains as Mommy doesn't know what she wants to do yet.)
This is a picture that Mommy didn't take. However, she wants me to assure you that no babies or beanitude's were involved in drinking the beverages this cardboard container was originally holding.