Saturday was the day we had all been waiting for: Tiffany & Ryan's wedding. I got to wear a pretty dress and carry flowers down the aisle. Being a flower girl is a very hard job, especially for somebody my age. I had to be dressed and ready a long long time before the wedding actually started for pictures. Mommy had my dress hemmed up perfectly for a flat hard surface. She totally forgot to take into account that grass is an uneven surface. There was some last minute pinning and cutting going on with my dress.

Here I am with cousin Ashley, who was also a flower girl.

Here I am when Mommy discovered my dress was just too long for the grass wedding.

Here I am doing my job and looking at the camera while holding the basket. I'm not sure why the rest of the wedding party isn't looking at the camera in this one, but I tried hard to listen to mommy and smile and stand where I was supposed to.

I needed my blankie and paci towards the end, but I couldn't help it. It was waay past my nap time and I didn't get to take one. At least my paci matched the bridesmaids dresses.

Here's Grandpa Bob and his 3 granddaughters

I couldn't quite keep up with Ashley because of the aisle runner, which is indoor use only unless staked down.

Here I am holding on to my friend Alina's hand. She was very sweet to me. I like her a lot.

There were no family pictures taken by the photographer. Luckily, Grandpa John is good with the camera and has a fancy one, so he took some of us before the cake & dancing reception.

Here I am with Mommy, posing for a pretty picture, and "showing off my guns."

I can clap with the best of them!

Here we are watching somebody dance.

This picture was the beginning of the end. I decided I was just sooo tired that I should lay down on the floor and go to sleep. Daddy got down on the floor too, but then I picked up my head. It would have been an even better picture if I hadn't perked back up.