I totally photo bombed Mommy in her birthday cake picture. Bwaaahahaha!
Today, Lauren went with me to the doctor. She got to meet the doctor who delivered her and listen the the baby’s heartbeat. It was our last appointment before I have to switch OB’s (mine is moving to Marshall) so I thought it may be fun for Lauren to come with. She was a pretty good sport considering they didn’t have my appointment on the books and we had to be worked in. She was also pretty insistent that she get a turn on the table as well. After I was done, and we had heard the heartbeat, she climbed up on the table and then lifted her dress. I made the choo-choo sounds and she was pretty happy that the baby in her tummy was doing well too! She even tried out the stirrups and my Dr. reminded me that someday she would be in that position for real and that would make me a Grandmother. I promptly told him to hush.
We’ve also scheduled our big ultrasound for the end of February. I could have scheduled it for sooner, but they get the best readings once you’re past 20 weeks and I want the best readings possible! So afterward, I’ll either be pulling my hair out thinking about redecorating the nursery and selling all of Lauren’s old clothing to buy new, or relaxing and just taking a couple of her outgrown bins out of storage and keeping the nursery pretty much the same. Only time will tell, and hopefully, in 4 more weeks, we may tell (you) too.
Today, I made my 3rd trip to the dentist. I had a fun time and got an A+ on my dental report card. I was also told that I have beautiful teeth and to keep up the good work.
I look a little nervous in the pictures but I wasn’t afraid. There was a little boy in the next area over that was screaming like he was dying. I was a bit freaked out by his screaming as I don’t really care for loud noises.
I’m now officially a 2.5 year old. Here are some fun facts about me:
*I’m fully potty trained (I only wear a diaper to bed at night, and not for too much longer.)
*I’ll be moving downstairs to my big girl bedroom in the next couple of months
*I just started watching (this past month) a little tv and I love the wonderpets.
*My favorite toy is my dollhouse.
*I love to sing songs and am always singing to myself if I haven’t already asked mommy to sing to me.
*I love to floss and brush my teeth and will be getting another checkup at the dentist on Wednesday.
*I know all of my colors and shapes and can almost count to 20.
*I now recognize a few letters (L, S & F.)
*My very best friend, Elliot, is moving to Chicago in a couple of weeks and I’m going to miss him very very much, even though I don’t thoroughly understand what it means yet.
Today I set the table for us to eat with my wooden food. I put down one place and said, “This is for Mommy.” I put down another and explained that it was for me. Then, I put down another. Mommy asked me who that one was for and I answered, “my sister.”
Mommy and Daddy are really really sad that you lost your game. They cheered so hard and yelled so loudly. Mommy explained to me that Daddy would be sad for awhile since they lost. I thought he was going to cry.
At least we had fun during the game. Phil, Janet and Mommy’s favorite Godson (baby) Mark came over for awhile and watched some of the game with us. They had to leave when it was his bedtime, but we had a blast. Mommy says that he is definitely the cutest little boy ever!!
Mommy also said that I did a nice job sharing my toys with him.
I’m excited to cheer on the Vikings today. I especially love to cheer for Jared Allen, he is my favorite player. Whenever the Vikings get a touchdown daddy puts me on his shoulders and runs a lap around the house cheering and whooping for the Vikings. I hope I get to run a lot of laps today.
Mommy hasn’t been keeping the blog up to date very well in the past two weeks. Last week, she was feeling really yucky. She has been having headaches every day and was really tired. I went to stay with GaGa & Papa for the weekend so she could rest. This week, she’s just kind of sad over some news she was given regarding a friend, so she hasn’t been taking many pictures. Here are a couple of me modeling our new couch. The family room furniture that we ordered the day after Thanksgiving finally arrived. The room still needs some stuff for the walls and window coverings so you won’t get to see it until it is finished. After that the basement will finally be all that mommy had hoped it would be. She just redecorated the (MY!) bathroom and my big girl room down there so it’ll be just right for me this spring.
Today we went to LCARC again to go swimming with my friends. I didn’t enjoy it as much as last time because the water was spraying down on the waterslide and it was getting in my eyes. I don’t like snow or water in my eyes! Mommy is starting to think that the size 3 swimsuits she has already purchased for this summer won’t be fitting me until next summer. Especially considering I don’t wear a diaper underneath anymore.
I decided I was all done and it was time to warm up. Here I am in my new Hello Kitty hooded towel. I loved the monkey towel that I got from Auntie Jen & Uncle Craig so much, mommy thought I needed a 2nd one. She gave me a choice between the cool orange monster or Hello Kitty and, well, you know who I picked.
I love it when we’re having these for dinner because I get to help. It’s such a fun family project. Here I am smooshing the dough.
You haven’t seen any pictures of my new room yet because it’s not done yet. It won’t be all done until I move down there as a bunch of my stuff from my current room will move with me to the new one. However, here are a couple of sneak peeks of the work in progress. Mommy and I snuggled in and read some books on my super comfy (and HUGE) new bed.
Here I am this morning reading my books.
Look at me sitting at the table like a big girl. I don’t even use a sippy cup anymore. Here I am enjoying a yummy Chinese food smorgasbord. Mommy made orange chicken, rice and ginger carrots. YUM!
Here I am again, this time eating breakfast.
Here I am playing with my dollhouse. I like to take the pieces out and play with them in different places.
I’m taking my doll to the doctor to get a poke (shot.)
Tonight, we met two families and enjoyed a Family night out. Here I am oogling baby Mary. She was dressed like a puppy.
ELMO and Sesame Street Live are coming to town and Mommy thought really long and hard about buying tickets. It would require 3 tickets (at least, as I have to have my own ticket.) She’s almost clicked the button several times but gets very mad at ticketmaster and their fees. The 3 tickets would be 60-ish dollars, but when you add on all the fees and taxes it’s like adding on another ticket and the total is over $90. Mommy thinks that I would enjoy it, but isn’t positive, so she decided to wait until next year when I’m almost 4. But then, she saw a contest for FRONT ROW seats through our local news station and just had to enter me into it. The contest is for the “grouchiest kids” in honor of Oscar the grouch. Mommy entered a picture of me being grouchy into the contest. She thinks that it will be a voting contest, so be on the lookout for details on how to vote soon.
Here is the picture she entered of me:
Since you’re a reader of my blog, you know how grouchy I can be, so I hope it works out in my favor so I can go dance with ELMO and friends. I LOOOVE ELMO! I still sleep with him every night.
This month the project was a calendar. I had fun making it, contrary to what it looks like in the pictures.
I forgot to post this at Christmas. Lauren’s latest thing is a Happy Feet dance. She’s never seen the movie Happy feet (and neither have I) so I’m unsure if it has anything to do with the movie, but it’s cute so here it is.