I wanted to write this post last night, and I suppose I could do what I've been known to do on occasion (backdate) but it just doesn't seem right on this occasion. Yesterday, was the one year anniversary of Lauren's baptism. When she was baptized our Priest stressed the importance of her baptismal date and suggested we remember it every year. So, on this day I'm looking back and remembering my tiny baby.
Just laying here in bed with my laptop looking back at pictures of little Lauren on that date have brought a barrage of feelings back (and lots of tears.) Sometimes, in the business of everyday I forget to take the time to enjoy my baby. Now, looking back, she's not exactly a baby anymore. She's not feeling well and I've been frustrated with her today because all she wants is to be held in my arms. What's so wrong with that? When I'm sick, my mom is sometimes the first person I call. There's nothing wrong with a baby wanting her mommy (no matter the age of said "baby.") Sometimes all it takes is a reminder from my mom, that I'm a mommy now too, to bring me back to where I need to be. Anyway, that's enough tear charged incoherent rambling for tonight, enjoy the vintage bean.
OCTOBER 21, 2007

1 comment:
What a sweet, sweet post, Misty! She was such a TINY bean back then! Oh, how precious! This is another one of those times where I think we are like the same person. We're approaching the 1 year annversary of Elliot's baptism too-Nov 11- and it DOES swell up all sorts of emotions. I got all teary just reading your post. Are we crazy? Or are we just sentimental, emotional mommies? :)
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