I had a fun time celebrating our independence from those darn British (LOL!) I went swimming and my friend Elliot came over to play and have dinner. After that our mommies gave us a bath together. It was a lot of fun. Elliot likes to stand up in the bathtub, but he usually listens to his mommy when she tells him to sit back down. I like to try to stand up against the edge, I'm not very good at listening to mommy yet. Maybe that comes with age. Here are some pictures of my adventures on July 4th, 2008.

"Peek-a-boo!" I like to play games with Mommy & Daddy. Peek-a-boo is one of my favorites.
Here I am playing behind the curtain. It felt nice to have the wind blowing in my hair. Could someone tell mommy she needs to iron those darn sheers?
Here's Elliot and I playing in my new school bus tent. It's a lot of fun!
Here we are in the bathtub. I was having fun playing with my Alphabet soup letters. I usually take a bath in a smaller blow up tub (my ducky) so getting to hang out in the big tub was a real treat for me. I can't wait to try it out again sometime!
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