I'm getting to be such a big girl. I'm 50 weeks old this week. Yaaay for me. You might be wondering why that picture on the left only says 49 weeks? Well, it's because Mommy is forgetful and forgot to take my 50 week picture on Wednesday. (She takes it every week on Wednesday since I was born on that day.) I think she may have forgotten what day of the week it was because today she mentioned something about swimming in a "couple of days." We're actually going swimming tomorrow (Friday) so I'm thinking she may have skipped a day or two in her head. I have to forgive her though. She's so busy planning my birthday party (and continuing to buy me lots of neat things.) She took me to Sweet Pea's today and left with a couple of new things. I overheard Mommy talking about Melissa and Doug toys and how they're wooden and non-toxic. I'm not sure what that means but I think she liked it. Mommy said I can't have them until my birthday though. That's not fair, I want to play with them now!!
It's been a fun day today. Have I told you how much I LOVE pillows? They're so fun. I love to bounce on them. I also love to hide underneath them and play peek a boo with them too. They're just so much fun. Here are some pictures of me playing with all the pillows Mommy will allow. If you click on the pictures they will get bigger.
Sometimes mommy get distracted by all of your screaming and one day just sort of blends into the next. One day she snaps out of it and realizes that it's Friday and not Wednesday. Maybe if you took regular naps she wouldn't lose track of the days. Just a though. Love you!
Wow you are quite the cutie..you must get it from your momma :) Wish you guys lived closer so we could meet :) Thanks for the comments :) I will check your blog frequently :) -Trista & Natalie.
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