When he got home he brought it in the house and said he got it for me. I guess Mommy gave him a funny look and demanded to know where he got it. Of course Daddy got that silly grin on his face (the one he gets when he's trying to be sneaky or tell a lie) and said, "I don't want to tell you or you won't let her have it." After that, Mommy thoroughly inspected it and asked again (she noticed some dirt and stuff on it.) After pointing the spots out to Daddy (who insisted it was clean and perfect) he finally admitted to picking it up from the side of the road, upon to which Mommy said, "Are you TRYING to kill our bean? For crying out loud Kev, she already has a crazy bacterial infection, why not make it botulism or worse while we're at it here?" Daddy just laughed and said she was right.
Mommy was serious about not letting me have it either. It didn't even make it past the baby gate. She allowed it to rest on the steps while she took a picture. After the picture, she threw it in the trash and washed her hands. Here's a picture of the toy I almost had. I'm not sure what the words hideous and tacky mean, but Mommy used them to describe the toy.
HA! That's too funny! - Shannon
Clean it with Bleach.....
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