Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time to catch up...

It's been a very busy week and weekend in our house.  I know that I haven't updated my blog as much as you're used to, but I just haven't had time.  Mommy and Daddy have been working very hard on our basement.  Mommy also subbed a lot last week and just hasn't had the time to help me write about my days.  Here are some pictures and comments about what's been going on in our lives.


Here I am after dumping out a bag of mini cheez its that I found in my diaper bag.  I like to dig around and unpack it and Mommy really needs to remember to zip it up when she's not using it.  You can see that Mommy doesn't look very happy about what I've done.


Here is the aftermath of the cheez its in the diaper bag.

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Here I am with a super cool gymbo cowboy hat that Mommy bought for me awhile ago.  I just noticed it again and kind of like it now.  I don't keep it on for too long, but I sure am cute while it lasts (says Mama.)



Here I am having some Italian ravioli.  I can use my fork and spoon but prefer my hands most days.

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I sure was a messy girl.


1 comment:

Ms. Natties Mum said...

aaaawh that looks like good Ravioli...The Cheez it's trick is funny :) Don't worry you tell your Mommy that we haven't update our blog for a while just gets busy at times :)