Sunday, January 3, 2010

I’m a grouch

ELMO and Sesame Street Live are coming to town and Mommy thought really long and hard about buying tickets.  It would require 3 tickets (at least, as I have to have my own ticket.)  She’s almost clicked the button several times but gets very mad at ticketmaster and their fees.  The 3 tickets would be 60-ish dollars, but when you add on all the fees and taxes it’s like adding on another ticket and the total is over $90.  Mommy thinks that I would enjoy it, but isn’t positive, so she decided to wait until next year when I’m almost 4.  But then, she saw a contest for FRONT ROW seats through our local news station and just had to enter me into it.  The contest is for the “grouchiest kids” in honor of Oscar the grouch.  Mommy entered a picture of me being grouchy into the contest.  She thinks that it will be a voting contest, so be on the lookout for details on how to vote soon.

Here is the picture she entered of me:


Since you’re a reader of my blog, you know how grouchy I can be, so I hope it works out in my favor so I can go dance with ELMO and friends.  I LOOOVE ELMO!  I still sleep with him every night.


Anonymous said...

TAKE her Misty!! Griff has SO much fun at them. He went to his first one when he wasn't even 2 yet! - shannon

Kari said...

I hope you win Lauren! It's going to be fun!!! We got 3 tix for under $50....are there other seat choices that would be cheaper (if for some reason you don't win the contest)??? I'd pick you to win if I was in charge! That's an awesome grouchy face!!