Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sprout’s room: before & after

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Here are some pictures of my room before it was finished for comparison purposes.  These were taken before I was born.  There was a lot more stuff on the dressers and on the wall later, but Mommy is too tired to search for the proper pictures right now.

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Now, here is Sprout’s room, getting closer to finished.




You can click on the pictures for a bigger view.  Mommy is still looking for a cd player.  She just ordered a vinyl wall decal for above the changing table that will have Sprout’s name on it along with a sailboat.  We all worked very hard on Sprout’s room.  Gaga helped mommy pick out the stuff and shop for the accessories.  Daddy sewed the changing pad cover and helped with all the painting.  Papa painted the stars, blinds, paddles and some of the wall, plus did all the hanging of things.  Grandpa John made the cool paddles on the wall.  Mommy really likes it in there and likes to sit in the chair and rock at night time.

IMG_9426 We sure hope Sprout loves his new room!


Dave, Amanda & Alexis said...

That is an awesome room!! I feel like I just finished Lexi's room and have no desire to start another now, you can feel free to have the job. :)

The Webb's said...

Love is Misty! He's so cozy! :)

The Webb's said...

Love IS Misty! lol ...but I meant to say love IT. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome! Great job by all.

Ms. Natties Mum said...

Misty, you are so creative ! And always have things just so....I like the navy, it is should go into the decorating business....even the hamper matches !