Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mommy blogging: Lauren’s Baby


Today, Lauren went with me to the doctor.  She got to meet the doctor who delivered her and listen the the baby’s heartbeat.  It was our last appointment before I have to switch OB’s (mine is moving to Marshall) so I thought it may be fun for Lauren to come with.  She was a pretty good sport considering they didn’t have my appointment on the books and we had to be worked in.  She was also pretty insistent that she get a turn on the table as well.  After I was done, and we had heard the heartbeat, she climbed up on the table and then lifted her dress.  I made the choo-choo sounds and she was pretty happy that the baby in her tummy was doing well too!  She even tried out the stirrups and my Dr. reminded me that someday she would be in that position for real and that would make me a Grandmother.  I promptly told him to hush.


We’ve also scheduled our big ultrasound for the end of February.  I could have scheduled it for sooner, but they get the best readings once you’re past 20 weeks and I want the best readings possible!  So afterward, I’ll either be pulling my hair out thinking about redecorating the nursery and selling all of Lauren’s old clothing to buy new, or relaxing and just taking a couple of her outgrown bins out of storage and keeping the nursery pretty much the same.  Only time will tell, and hopefully, in 4 more weeks, we may tell (you) too.


Anonymous said...

OMG that is so cute. How exciting for her to hear the heart beat. I love you sweetheart!

Dave, Amanda & Alexis said...

I love the look on her face in the first one. I think Lex will have to join me to an appt or 2 next time around.

Barb said...

OMG, those are awesome!

oopalmoo said...

well..misty..if it ever comes down to you selling some of Laurens clothes...hit me up lol..