Friday, February 19, 2010

The Buggypod

Mommy ordered a newfangled contraption for me to ride in once the baby is born.  She didn’t want to spend the money on a double stroller when I’ll be 3 years old and may not want to ride at all anymore, but, she wanted me to have more than a little jump seat like the sit and stand strollers offer.  She came up with the Buggypod.  It’s like a sidecar for the stroller.  They’re made by a company in the UK and have won tons of awards.  Unfortunately, they’re only available at 1 store in the us (in Oregon.)  Mommy got lucky and found a used on ebay for a really good price.  It’s now attached to my current stroller (a Zooper Waltz to be specific since you asked) and it’s pretty neat-o.  I asked mommy if we could go get baby Mark to try it out.  She didn’t think that would be a good idea since it was past his bedtime.  Here are some pictures of it.


Here it is opened up beside my stroller.  The Sprout will ride in his/her infant seat in the main stroller and I’ll ride in the pod.


Here I am trying it out (looking at Daddy.)  Mommy figures I’ll probably be under the weight limit for it until I’m about 4, barring any crazy growth spurts.

IMG_8484 IMG_8485

Here it is folded up, for when I’m feeling like a big girl and want to walk instead of ride.  So far, I think it’s pretty neat!


Anonymous said...

That is Awesome! Lauren looks so growin up sitting in that.

Unknown said...

That's a pretty neat thing for two kids!

oopalmoo said...

wow that is amazing..i have never seen such a thing....very cool!

Anonymous said...

What kind of stroller is that?