Sunday, January 25, 2009

18 months

Here is the 'Lauren is 18 months old' update.  It's very hard to believe that our baby is already 1.5 years old.  She's going to be two before we know it!!  She's growing so much every day.  It's so hard for us to see the changes since we see her everyday, but it's so evident to those who don't see her quite as often.  She's getting taller and I moved her into a bigger sized diaper.  She'll have her 18 month check up on Thursday and then we'll know her official stats.

She's also speaking so much more now.  Today she said "Mine mine mine" (much to my dismay,) and "cracker" (at snack time.)  When she was done with her snack she said "woof woof" to ask for her doggy (too bad she didn't say "doggy," but that's a word for another day.)


(Don't mind the wet shirt, we had just finished dinner and her Daddy cleaned her up, so there's probably still some rogue spaghetti sauce in these pics.)


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