Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been awhile...

Sorry I've been engrossed in a world of sparkly vampires.  I read all 4 books in the twilight saga (many thousands of pages) in about 4.5 days.  I just couldn't put them down.  I watched the movie tonight and was so disappointed.  I think Edward will just have to live in my mind from now on...

Anyway, back in the real world, nothing much is new.  It's still cold out, the bean is still beanie.


Here's a picture of both of our new obsessions. Lauren's obsession is books.  There are never enough and she wants to read them all the time.  My (ok, pre-twilight) new obsession is Matilda Jane clothing.  Lauren is pictured here in a dress that I stayed up half the night for and when I eventually did go to sleep I had dreams about (true story, ask Kevin.)  Anywho, it's still too big but I think it'll be a cute dress come summer and a great tunic w/ ruffle pants or tights for years to come.  It wasn't the exact one I wanted, but it's so much more gorgeous in person.  The pictures really don't do it justice.


Here's one of Lauren enjoying some chocolate pudding the other day.  Stay warm!  I'm going to go back to dreaming of gorgeous vampires now.

1 comment:

Dave, Amanda & Alexis said...

I was wondering when you would put down the book and pick up the blogging.