Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lauren's new dress

Here's a few pics of Lauren in a new dress.  As you may or may not know, I'm kind of into baby clothes and Lauren's wardrobe.  This set is a Deux par Deux dress.   It's very festive and bright and I bought it as a Jan/Feb Valentines day outfit.


Funny thing, I told Lauren to smile in this picture and she did.  Maybe I should ask more often?


Playing peek a boo behind her curtains is a fun time for the beanitude.


Ms. Natties Mum said...

OOOOH M GOSH ! I love that cute Misty..where did you get it from ? I love the coral color ! I need to get Nattie a dress like that !

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful Misty! I love how her hair flips out now...SOOO CUTE! And her dress is adorable!