Saturday, October 10, 2009

Piggies and Paws

Today Mommy had a Piggies and Paws party at out house.  It was fun to have all of my friends over.  Towards the end, I was getting impatient for my turn to paint. 


The day started out with my friends Elliot and Mary.  Once they arrived the people didn't stop coming for three hours.  It was CRAZY, but fun.  Daddy had fun playing with all of the kids too.

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Here I am reading a book with Mommy while one of my friends gets printed.


Here's Daddy with my "godbrother" Baby Mark.  He's getting older now so I probably shouldn't call him baby Mark anymore.  Mommy was excited to have him over and even ordered him a special Christmas gift for his bedroom.  She's super excited for all of the prints to come back.  She also ordered one of me for my BIG GIRL Bedroom, soon to come!


Here I am checking out the action.


After it was my turn to paint, I decided that my baby wanted to be printed as well.  Notice me holding my baby to get painted?


After the party, I did a little lunch time gymnastics in my high chair and took a big nap.  It was a busy day!

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