Friday, March 26, 2010


Today was another exciting day for us.  We started out by making a trip down to canal park.  I got to play in the toy store for like an hour while Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Grandpa looked around and checked out what I liked.  I ended up with a few goodies, all birthday gifts!!

After some lunch, Mommy, Grandma Pat and I made a trip up to the mall. Mommy wanted to go to Gymboree and check out an outfit for me.  She ended up leaving with a few things for the sprout (and so did Grandma Pat.)  I’m very excited for my little brother and sure do hope he likes pirates and ships like Daddy does.


Here’s a picture of Grandma Pat teaching me how to throw a coin and make a wish.  I liked the water, but was bummed that their mall didn’t have a play area for little ones like me.

Later that night, we made a trip to see my Godfather Ryan’s new house.  I got to play the drums and hear my voice on the microphone.  Be sure to check out the video for my awesome reaction to having my voice altered.



That night for dinner, we went to Mommy & Daddy’s favorite restaurant in the town that they used to live in: Mexico Lindo.  It was delicious and we had a lot of fun.  Here I am having a little jousting fun with Ryan’s Dad, Ron.  I was excited that Ryan’s parents were able to join us as I really like them (and I think they like me too!)

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