Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A warm spring day

It’s spring break from classes this week so I met a bunch of my friends at the park for some playtime.  It was a pretty nice day outside, so I got to break out my spring/fall jacket.


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Here’s a picture of me in our new van.  When I first saw it this morning I said, “It’s a new car.  It’s really big!”  So far, I really enjoy riding in it.  It sits up a bit higher than the car so I can really see out of the windows now.


Here’s a fun picture of Daddy bench pressing me.  I don’t know why he did it, but it was a lot of fun.


Later, we washed Daddy’s new (old) car.  He was excited to have his car returned to him.


Washing a car is hard work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Lauren I'm happy to see you are such a good worker!
Love you