Monday, June 15, 2009

The giant trampoline

I've been on the trampoline at gymnastics class before, but this was way more fun because Mommy & Daddy got to jump with me.  When I first got on I was a bit scared.  It took me awhile to get comfortable but by the end of the second day of jumping I was an old pro. Gaa Gaa & Papa said they would keep it up all summer long so that I could jump and play on it as much as I want when I visit them.  I'm already looking forward to going back over the Fourth of July so I can jump some more.

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Later on Saturday, we went to a parade.  It was so much fun.  I sat in my Doggy chair and watched the people go by me.  My favorite was waving at people and watching the marching bands.  My least favorite were the horrible shriners.  Mommy says they do good things but their little cars, motorcycles and stuff was just too loud and scary for me.  It didn't help that the scary loud go cart came to a screeching stop about 5 feet from me sitting near the curb.  I was very scared of them.


However, after I freaked out at the shriners, this sucker magically appeared, so life was good again.

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