Monday, June 1, 2009

My little monkey

Lauren was a terror today.  I love her, God help me I do.  However, on days like today, I wish I could rent her out.  She is definitely getting closer to 2 and becoming slightly more terrible by the day.  I know it's only a phase, but she really tested me today.


I'm not sure what is up with her silly faces lately.  They're off the wall.



Speaking of Lauren approaching 2.  Her 2 year pictures are in.  Here's a preview.


Also, here's a preview of what's in store for her birthday party....mark your calendars: Saturday, July 25th!


Dave, Amanda & Alexis said...

She must have faxed Lex a memo informing her that this was the week to push mom's buttons.

Ms. Natties Mum said...

ok prepare me !! what do I have in store for Ms. Nattie :) That is why I have a Mommy venting Blog... I will have to give you the address :) Yesterday was a rough one for us too because Nattie had a fever all day from 4 shots...not fun. Baby Motrin to the rescue and Mom needs some Merlot !