Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lauren's new favorite song

"Oh Where oh where has my little dog gone?  Oh where oh where can he be?"  This is the song that we were treated to this morning while Lauren was still in her crib.  She slept in (until like 9:15am!!!) and then sang us the song to tell us she was ready to get up and start her day.  It's just so unbelievably cute Kevin had to make a video of it.  You might notice that she's doing something odd with her hands while singing.  It's a gymnastics warm up move.  She doesn't participate in every move of the warm ups during class, but has started showing me that she's paying attention recently.  She loves to do the stretches at home and blast offs are probably her favorite.  It's so funny how we think they're ignoring us, but are really taking it all in and saving it up to surprise us with at a later time.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Love her little voice, so cute!!!