Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mommy Blog: Our own little rib-fest

It was rib-fest in town this weekend and the sounds and smells were amazing.  Unfortunately, we don't get to go out too often (unless there's a toddler in tow.)  The Larson's invited us over for our very own little cul-de-sac rib-fest on Saturday since they have a baby now too, and understand that we can't just go out like we used to before children.  It was a great time with a little beverage recipe experimentation (aka the Green Death) and delicious ribs.  Thanks for the great evening!!


Here is Lauren trying out baby Mark's exer-jumper.  She surprisingly isn't over the weight limit, but could touch the ground just fine.  I think she may be regressing with all the new babies around us lately. 

1 comment:

Dave, Amanda & Alexis said...

This is funny because Lex has been obsessed with her Jumperoo lately and we had to set it up in our bedroom so she could jump in it. She loves it!