Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm not contagious

Hi everyone. I'm feeling better now. It was a long day yesterday but Mommy took me back to the doctor and luckily they found out what is wrong with me. I have a bacteria infection similar to travelers diarrhea (what's that?) The name of the bacteria was so hard to say that my doctor didn't even try it. Here it is: Aeromonas Hydrophilia/Trota/Veronii

Mommy has been feverishly reading about it online all morning and has worked herself into a frenzy. I think she's just trying really hard to figure out how I got it. It can be in water that is both chlorinated and unchlorinated. My doctor seems to want to blame the sand bottom pool that I swam in (and ate a lot of dirt at) the day or two before it started. She's probably right.

Mommy also talked to my doctor again this morning to make sure my friends would be safe to be around me. She was also worried about friends that have seen me in the past while I still had the diarhhea. The doctor said unless they licked my hiney they should most likely be ok. She's pretty funny that doctor.

I can't wait to be back to 100% again (and I bet Mommy & Daddy can't wait either.)

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