Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Birthday

Mommy told me that she's been asked by a few people what I might like for my birthday coming up. She thought I should maybe write a blog about things that I need. I told her that I didn't want to sound like I was asking for a gift, but she assured me that people were asking so it's ok to tell them when they ask.

I love to play outside but don't have a lot of outside friendly toys. I would really like some sort of ride on toy. They have them at ECFE and I love to play on them. Here's an idea of what I'm talking about.
Let me think here...I'm all set on things like bibs, bottles, sippy cups and silverwear. Something I could always use is a gift card to gymboree. I just love all their cute clothes (I think Mommy may like them even more than I do.)

Well that's all I can think of right now. I'm just so excited that so many friends and family members will be coming to see little old me next weekend. I can't believe I'm already almost 1 year old. Well, I have general mischief to go achieve, I think I may go play in those curtains that Mommy always says "NO touch" to when I reach out to them.

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