Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Ghetto Bib

Mommy and I made a trip to Windom today. She needed to get her hair cut and colored and we needed to pick up Grandma. Yaaay, Grandma is coming to stay with us for a little bit. I haven't seen her very much in the past 3 weeks (the longest ever!) as we've been busy and then they went on vacation. I love to hang out with Grandma, she's a lot of fun.

So anyway, Mommy forgot to pack my usual bib and was all out of the disposable kind, so she had to fashion a "ghetto bib." I'm not sure what that means but it's the word she used to describe it. I was wearing a brand new outfit so Mommy stripped me down to my diaper and put this on me. Notice the high chair...it was Mommy's when she was my age. She likes to make fun of it, but it works just fine for me to eat in.

I also love to play the hiding game. Great Grandpa Jack came to visit me while I was in Windom and I played the game with him. I didn't have any pillows to hide under so I had to make do. Check it out:

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