Monday, September 8, 2008

Catching up

It's been a week, I know.  It's been a long week for me too.  I just got my new new computer today, don't even ask it's a long story with lots of naughty words in it, all aimed at Dell.  The bright side, I got a free flip video camera out of it and saved $200 above my original purchase price.  The dark side, an expensive sprint bill due to all the darn problems I had with the old one and less mental stability. LOL!

Here are some pictures to catch you up to now.


Here's Lauren in her toy stroller (a gift from G&G Thompson)  Grandma Koch thought she might like a ride in it (and she did.)  Luckily it was a one time thing and she's back to pushing it instead of trying to sit in it.


Here's Lauren sitting in the open trunk of her Dora Mobile.  She spent about 30 minutes (two weekend ago) just picking grass and putting it in the trunk with Grandma while the rest of us stained the deck.


I title this one: "The Bean's Righteous Fury!"


Here she is snuggling Grandma last Tuesday.  I went home on Tuesday for a Dr. appt and left Lauren there until Friday.  It enabled me to do a bunch of pre/post work at school and she had fun playing with all of my old toys.  Seriously, she had a blast, but we missed her.

This past weekend, we did a whole lot of nothing in preparation for my school year starting.  Well, we did nothing as a family, as I was pretty much camped out at school the whole time.  Ugh, I forgot how much work it is.


Anonymous said...

OMG, Misty! The Bean's Rightour Fury may be one of the funniest pics I've ever seen!!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! Love the pic of her mouth cute and funny!