Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lauren's gonna fix it with her wrench

Mommy was driving the scooter to get some gas last Friday afternoon when she saw a garage sale. She did the usual and slowed down enough to scope it out for good toys and came across a little tykes took bench/table/sink combo set. She may have driven faster than she should have to get the gas and back to our neighborhood to call dibs on the set. She didn't have any money with her (except the check card, and they didn't take plastic) so she had to go back with a check.

Check out my new favorite toy...I'm a natural (whatever that means.) Mommy said I'm going to be a plumber.

IMG_4310 IMG_4314

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great toy Mommy found,Lucky you. Now you can help fix things.