Sunday, September 21, 2008

Daddy Blogging: Who's the babydaddy?

For those of you that are not familiar with the term babydaddy, I'll fill you in. A babydaddy (pronounced as one word) is litterally "the father of my baby" or "my baby's daddy" Typically this is an absentee father that is looked upon with scorn.

We've been trying to teach Lauren some words, and she's really putting an effort into learning them. For example, we've taught her to say "baby" and we've taught her to say "daddy." She will on occasion say "mommy" but it's not as reliable as "baby" which is her go to word.

So this morning when Lauren woke up we went into the living room and I asked her if she could say "baby" and she did. Then I asked her if she could say "daddy" and she responded by pointing at me calling me "babydaddy." I'm hoping that this wont turn into a trend because if people hear her calling me "babydaddy" then people might think that's what I am.

To be completely serious, though, things are really moving fast with Lauren lately. Her top two teeth have really started to grow in, she started walking overnight, and now she's experimenting with words. It's a really exciting time to be Lauren's daddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very Lucky to be Lauren's daddy.As she is very lucky to have a loving father as you are.