Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tweet Tweet/My new hat

Today we went to Sweet Pea's for Wacky Wednesday.  It was a good time playing with my friends and all of the store's fun toys.  Mama even bought me a new hat for summer.  This one has a nice wide brim and is reversible to a solid hot pink color.  Mama was hoping for a solid white to go with everything but couldn't pass this one up.


I also learned how to play "Ring around the Rosey." 


Sweet Pea's has a different event theme every Wednesday.  Today, it was sensory tubs/table.  Erica (the owner of the store) had all sorts of fun stuff set out to explore in inflatable pools.  Her daughter even got to play with us today.  We're excited to go back for one of the art events they have planned.


Here I am in my new hat.

1 comment:

Ms. Natties Mum said...

Lauren you look so cute ! Can you ask your Momma what the brand of your hat is... I am always having to pull ms. Natties hat down to keep the sun out of her eyes and she won't keep on her sunglasses :) tooo cute !