Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rough week

It's a been a rough week (starting last Monday) for Mommy. She's pretty sick and hasn't really been herself lately. She was very worried about me getting her sickness, so she tried her best not to spread the germs. Last Wednesday she as so miserable Daddy stayed home from work to care for me while she slept. She was feeling better on Thursday but probably didn't rest as much as she should have, so she was even worse on Friday.

Mommy was feeling soo yucky that she didn't go to work yesterday morning. She knew there was no way she could have such a busy day. So she had to call a sub. I also stayed home from my ECFE class this morning so we could rest.

I think Mommy is on the mend now finally, which is good because the weekend is coming and I think Grandma and Grandpa are coming up to take me to Emma Krumbees and another apple orchard. I can't wait to pick some apples, play in the hay, go down the slide, and maybe eat just a little tiny bit of a caramel apple.

At Mommy's night class last night (which she went to because finding a sub for a night class is IMPOSSIBLE!) one of her little girls picked some apples from Emma Krumbee's over the weekend and brought them for her. She was so surprised!! This little girl in her class is "just a sweetheart" (as Mommy says.) I guess she gives Mommy kisses and hugs before her and her Daddy leave class every week. Mommy mentioned something about me taking some lessons from M (her student) but I'm not sure what that means. Here are som fun pictures from the past week. Sorry they're kind of random.

1 comment:

Ms. Natties Mum said...

Hope your Mommy feels better really soon!!! My mommy is sick too with a HUGE head cold...she is not doing much and is a little over-whelmed because you can't call in sick when your a Mommy...I hope I don't catch her horrible cold...she sounds like a horse talking and she is always making this funny blowing noise and coughing alot...Well tell your MOmmy to take Care :) We are thinking of her !