Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daddy Blogging: Lauren's unusual nap

Mommy decided to substitute teach a class tonight so it was just me and the baby tonight. Lauren was a little angel all night long, which is not what I was expecting. There was one thing she did that I just have to tell you about...she put herself down for a nap.

We were playing chase. That's a game where she chases me around the house and then I chase her around the house and we go back and forth like that. She was running pretty fast and she must have gotten tired because she ran into her bedroom and started trying to climb up the outside of her crib. I just figured that she wanted one of her blankets or something, so I took her down and she threw a fit. Usually when Lauren throws a fit, I back off and just let her do her thing. If you try to console her she often gets angrier. So when I backed off, she started climbing her crib again. So I said to her "Fine. If you want to get into your crib so badly, here you go." and I set her in her crib. What did she do? She picked up a pacifier and put it in her mouth, grabbed one of her small burp clothes that she likes to cuddle and layed herself down. I was shocked. So I turned on her CD of lullaby music, put a blanket over her, turned out the light and left. I couldn't believe it!

I don't know if she ever actually slept, but she stayed quiet for about 20 minutes. Maybe she just needed a time out after all the running around she had done.


Anonymous said...

Poor bean,Daddy wore you out so you had to take a little nap. That is so funny.Very surprising but sweet.

The Good Family said...

Oh for cute! That is such a Lauren thng to do! :)