Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm a buzzzzing...

IMG_4674 Today was Halloween and Mommy and I have been looking forward to it for awhile now.  Mommy found my costume "on the cheap" as she calls it.  However, she then decided to spend a fortune for her and Daddy to have matching costumes to go with mine, so I don't think there was any "economic value" (or something like that, that I heard Daddy mumbling about.)

Grandma and Grandpa have been visiting since Wednesday because Grampy had surgery to repair a thumb that he hurt at work (it didn't bend anymore.)  He has a weird cast on his left hand.  Good thing he's right handed, Mommy says that he still has to work and earn his keep.  I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot of them over the next month because he can't work for like 5 weeks and what else would they do with their time if they don't have to work?  See me of course!!!

So anyway, today we went to a Halloween party.  Then, we went to the mall to trick or treat indoors.  It was a lot of fun.  Check out our pictures.


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Here we are at the Mall.  My favorite wookie Elliot joined us for the fun.


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After we got back from the mall we went to the houses in our cul-de-sac.  Last year Mommy and Daddy took my picture with all of the neighbors, but I didn't exactly cooperate with that idea this year.  I'm a mover and a shaker now and don't have time for that kind of stuff.

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Our new next door neighbors have a niece that was born a few days after I was.  It turns out Mommy & Daddy were in birthing class together with her parents.  Too funny!  She was a chicken and a cute one too.  Mommy almost bought me that costume, so it was pretty funny.


Wellers said...

So cute!! Ahhh the bee costumes are awesome!

Anonymous said...


~ Carrie W.

Anonymous said...

What a cut family of bee's.