Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Sunday

Misty here.... we had a busy Sunday.  Today was picture day for those of you who aren't in my everyday circle.  If you're in my everyday circle you know that I've been uber excited and talking about it nonstop for awhile now.  So, my friend Jessica from JM Photography came down from 'the Cities" to take our family pics and Lauren's 15 month pics (next WEEK! already!)  Lauren wasn't as cute as I know she can be, but Jess said we got some great shots so I'm freakishly hitting refresh on her blog waiting for our "preview" to pop up...  I spoke with Anna (Elliot's mommy) and she's been stalking Jess' blog too anxiously awaiting their session preview as well.

The reason I say Lauren wasn't as cute as I know she can be is due to the fact that she's not feeling well.  Her temp was about 100 this afternoon when we thought she was feeling a bit warmish.  As you know, I'm the kind of person who absolutely must assign blame to everything.  (I know it's a terrible habit, Kev reminds me of it often.)  I can't help but feel that she got this (whatever it is) from someone in her ECFE class as I've heard that a majority of the kids were sick with something this week.  Poor Elliot had a 103 degree fever yesterday and some other kids ended up with a fever and a rash.  I'm seriously SICK of people bringing sick kids to class (and to work!) 

Ok, enough of my Mommy rage, here are some not so exciting pictures from today.  Lauren was a serious ankle biter today (needy, clingy, not giving a moments peace, etc. etc.)


Trying to get into one of the childproofed drawers (she has defeated the locks once already!)


In all of her ankle biting glory.  You can see the drool spot on the stool where she was whining at my feet just seconds earlier.


We solved the ankle biting issue by burying her in pillows (haha only kidding, she seriously loves pillows though!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet Pea,I'm sorry you are not feeling well again.