Sunday, August 17, 2008


Saturday was another fun day in Windom. We started the day playing and that's pretty much what we did all day long. I love to play with Grammy and Grandpa. I'm usually on my best behavior around them. Here's a picture of Grandpa playing around with me. Grammy told him he had to put socks on so he put them on me. It was fun and kept my legs warm for awhile.


Here I am at lunch time with my I love Grandma & Grandpa bib. Mommy always packs a ton of stuff for me when we leave home and bibs are no exception. She keeps forgetting that Grandma & Grandpa have this bib at their house. There's a neat-o story that goes with this bib, but I'll save it for another less eventful day.


Here I am standing on the dining room table all by myself. I can do that, you know? I can stand all by myself. I can also take a few steps whenever I feel like it. I just don't always feel like walking, you know? So I tend to crawl more that walk. It's quicker for me to get around now. I'll keep practicing though, maybe one of these days I'll make the switch...then you'll be the first to know. :)


We also spent a little time at the fair in the afternoon and then went to the lake for awhile. This is the park right across from the place Mommy & Daddy had their wedding reception. Mommy really wanted pictures taken on the swings there, but that too is a story for another day (perhaps I should let mommy tell that one, she get's kinda crabby and whispers words under her breath when talking about their wedding pictures.) Here I am at the park riding a fun toy. I rode it all by myself for the very first time ever. It was a great time.

We went back to the fair around dinner time for some food and some fun with Uncle Michael. Of course he's not my actual uncle (I only have a couple.) Since Mommy's an only child she's decided to give me honorary Aunties and Uncles in addition to the real ones I already have. I have Auntie Kate (my Godmother) and Auntie Jeslil (Mommy's oldest friend, not in age, but longevity) I also have Uncle Michael (Mommy's dear dear friend) So anyway we met Michael at the fair and Mommy wanted to mess around with him, so she convinced him he just had to take me for a ride on the merry-go-round (thinking that I would throw a big fit like I did yesterday.) Silly Mommy just hasn't figured it out yet. I'm always on my best behavior for people I don't see that often. So anyway, I went for a ride with Uncle Michael and you can check it our for yourself.

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