Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Before and after Basement

Laundry Room:

Canon 221IMG_4998

Family Room:

Canon 342IMG_4993

The coffee table is in the utility room due to Wii play-age! LOL! I also haven't hung anything up yet because I feel so bad pounding holes in our brand new sheetrock.

Canon 343IMG_4995 

Canon 224IMG_4994

Spare Bedroom:

Canon 227IMG_5002

I'm half-heartedly looking for something for the wall above the bed. I'm thinking we'll end up getting a new bedroom set for the master and what is currently there will head downstairs. However, that won't be for awhile, so I'm still kind of on the lookout.


Here's another view of the spare so you can see where the wall & closets were added from nothing.

Office (which is now a playroom/office)

Canon 228IMG_5001

I decided not to take a pic of the actual playroom because it's not done yet (organized or curtained!) Instead, this is what my office has become (A CLOSET!) But at least it's a pretty red closet (I mean office!) It has a bunch of my books, files, important papers, a desk, a shredder, and my printer in it. I guess I can't ask for much more.

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