Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I woke up this morning feeling sick.  I don't know what was wrong but when Mama came into my room to get me she said something about "throw-up."  It took me awhile and a few new words later (like vomit for example) to realized she was talking about me and what was going on with me.  I wasn't feeling very good all morning long.  After a breakfast of oatmeal, (which Mama was hoping would soothe my tummy) that came back up about 20 minutes later Mama decided we would take a shower together.  It was a lot of fun.  She stood up and I played with my toys and enjoyed the water dribbling down on me from that neat shower head thing.  Mama changed my clothes 3 times today (because I was sick on them) and finally just let me play in the bathtub in a onesie for awhile.  I took a long nap too.  I needed the rest.

Later today, Grammy and Papa came up because it's almost Christmas and we're going to celebrate at our house this year.


Here is me & Papa playing with an early Christmas gift, blocks!!  I love to knock down the towers and Papa loves to build them.  I think he has more fun building than I do right now.

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