Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas stockings

Grandma Pat made me a Christmas stocking last year.  Mommy really liked it because it matched our Living room so well.  When she asked Grandma Pat to make some for the rest of the family, she was surprised to find out that she already had.  Check them out, they look awesome hanging over the ledge in the entryway.  Now Daddy is worried that if they have another baby (and yes, it's almost 2009, that COULD be a possibility) that child won't have a matching stocking.  Mama told him not to worry about it though.  She says Grandma Pat is so smart she's probably already got a stash of them just in case (or in hoping!)

Mommy took down the 20 x 30 family picture of us when they were working on the basement so it will get hung up again soon (once the newly updated pic arrives.)


They have neat little sparkly crystal letters on them.


Here's the new basement view.  The wall looks kind of empty without the big picture on it.


Here is Mommy's new and exciting Laundry room.  She painted the ceiling purple to match the accent wall (first time ever!!)  She's also anxiously awaiting the arrival of the wall decor, a new stainless drying rack and hamper to match the trash can.


Here's a close up of the pictures on the ledge.  Mama has 3 pictures of her on different Halloweens up there.  Can you tell she loves that day?


Ms. Natties Mum said...

where did you get the stocking holders at ?

Ms. Natties Mum said...

love em !

Ms. Natties Mum said...

I actually found some Reindeer ones in the frame dept on Thurs. at Target.....I love them ! the sets are much cheaper