Friday, December 5, 2008

It has not been a good day...

Misty was going to be a super day. I had an early morning dentist appointment and then we were going to be off to playtime. It didn't work out so well.

While I was at the dentist this morning I was talking with my hygenist about when to bring Lauren in for her first appointment. She repeated the same old stuff I already knew (what the AAP suggests) but then said that they typically like to see kids in around the age of 2. Sweet, 'we still have time,' was my thought.

Nope, no more time.

After I got home from an excellent check-up, I showered and Lauren was in an excellent mood (she slept until almost 8:30!!) While I was getting dressed, (I'll leave out the gory details of my various stages of dress) I heard a thud and a terror scream from Lauren (who was only a foot away from me.) She tripped and had fallen mouth first into the footboard of our bed. The metal footboard of our bed. As I rushed the one step to pick her up and console her the blood started gushing. I turned and sprinted with her the 3 feet to the bathroom, grabbed the first towel I saw (white wedding towels be damned) got it wet and tried to put it in her mouth to clean it up/see the damage/soothe the pain. Long story short, we ended up running back to my dentist as her pedi was unable to get her in (or any one of them for that matter) until the PM and that just wasn't acceptable to me.

So Lauren had her first trip to the dentist TODAY!

She was actually the calm on too (sadly!) I was a wreck but she was ok as could be once I got her a sippy cup of water. She was downright happy once she got her paci.

So after a breakdown in the dentist's office (they were all so nice to me the crazy mama) all is well. It looks like her two front teeth may have pushed up a bit back into her jawline but he wasn't concerned and said that with baby teeth they just leave them and they'll typically come back down on their own. It was red and I could tell it hurt but she was a trooper. The dentist said that they mouth heals quite fast and she should be just fine. AAAAHHHH!! This was not the way I wanted to spend the day, but it worked out in the end. Lauren even got to have some pudding and ice cream at lunch to soothe her mouth.

Here are some pics I took (with my cell phone because I ran out of the house very quickly I didn't pack up the bag with the camera like I usually do.)

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No pictures of Mommy with her in the dentist's chair though. I was a bit disheveled with wet hair and the first thing I could throw on. Luckily Lauren was still in her PJ's when it happened so none of her clothes were harmed (I can joke about it now, I know it wouldn't have mattered to me at the time.) I guess it's a good thing I try not to let her run around the house with random objects in her hands or who knows what could have happened.

1 comment:

Ms. Natties Mum said...

oooh sweety, I hope your little toothers are feeling better. Poor thing, good thing you have such a caring mommy to get you checked out. Maybe some orajel will help with eating for a while to numb some of the soreness.